The Canola Meeting & Canola Innovation Day, and the Canola Discovery Forum have united to create the first ever CanolaWeek!

Agronomists, farmers, researchers, extension staff, students and anyone else interested in canola research, innovation and industry updates are welcome to attend the three-day conference in Saskatoon, December 5-7. The conference is co-hosted by Ag-West Bio and the Canola Council of Canada.

You can register for all three days, or there’s a one-day option.

Day 1, Canola Industry Meeting, December 5: Often nicknamed “Keith Downey day” after the father of canola who first started this event, Day 1 includes canola organization updates, details on corporate mergers among major life-science companies, what’s happening with canola around the world, and a panel on new advances in sclerotinia stem rot management.

Day 2, Canola Discovery Forum, December 6: The Canola Council of Canada’s annual forum is condensed into one day of research updates, discovery and discussion. Session topics include variable-rate fertilizer, clubroot and blackleg management, and the CanoVision panel on adapting to change. Many presentations will feature recently-completed studies funded through the Canola Council of Canada and Government of Canada Growing Forward 2 partnership.

Day 3, Canola Innovation Day, December 7: On this day, speakers dig deeper into new tools and ideas, including CRISPR-Cas9, RNA interference, opportunities for canola proteins, and soil and plant microbiomes.

Wilf Keller, Ag-West Bio president and CEO, says there are many reasons to attend CanolaWeek this year. “Research and innovation continue to advance the growth of Canada’s $27B dollar industry through yield increase, protection against diseases and insect pests, and agronomic practices. CanolaWeek brings researchers, agronomists, producers and industry leaders together to understand the opportunities, share information about best practices, and address the potential challenges and great opportunities for the continued growth of this industry.”

Speaker names and presentation titles and full agendas for each day are listed on the CanolaWeek event website. That same link also provides the registration form. Space is limited. Registration includes all coffee breaks, a lunch each day and a networking reception on December 5.

While registering, also book accommodations early. The venue is the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Saskatoon. If that hotel is sold out, other nearby hotels in downtown Saskatoon may have space.

Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and Certified Crop Science Consultant (CCSC) credits will be available for those who attend the conference.


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