McCall The agriculture sector has been an important part of Saskatchewan’s economy since the province has been in existence. With around 40 per cent of the country’s arable land and only 3 per cent of the population, the crops we grow here feed people around the world. While we are experts at developing and growing grains, pulses and oilseeds, much work can yet be done in order to add value to the commodities, through processing and the manufacture of bioproducts.

On December 9th 2013, Penny McCall, Manager, Value-Added Unit, SK Ministry of Agriculture, presented the Government of Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Value Added Strategy. Scott Moe, MLA and Legislative Secretary, SK Ministry of Agriculture, also addressed a full-house in the Candle-Span Room at Innovation Place. The presentation was followed by a networking reception which allowed attendees to speak directly to members of Saskatchewan’s Value Added team, which includes representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economy, and Innovation Saskatchewan.

McCall defined value added agriculture as “Any activity that increases the value of Saskatchewan grown products above commodity price levels.” She also gave an overview of where we currently stand, globally and locally, described Saskatchewan’s advantages, and explained how the Value-Added Strategy is linked to the Province of Saskatchewan’s Growth Plan. McCall’s presentation is posted here: Value-Add presentation Fact Sheet SkAg_Value

Top photo: Penny McCall, Manager, Value-Added Unit, SK Ministry of Agriculture.

Bottom photo: The Candle-Span room in the Atrium at Innovation Place was full for the presentation on Dec. 9, 2013 


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