Saskatoon, SK: Ag-West Bio hosts its Annual Meeting at Prairieland Park on June 13, 2017 at 2:00 pm. The meeting will be followed by a guest lecture by Timothy Caulfield, entitled “Gwyneth Paltrow vs Science: A Battle We Must Win!” starting at 2:30 pm.
Timothy Caulfield is a Professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Public Health, and Research Director of the Health Law Institute, University of Alberta. He is the author of two national bestsellers: The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness, and Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash.
Wilf Keller, President and CEO of Ag-West Bio, says science-based communication has always been an essential part of Ag-West Bio’s mandate. “It’s important for people to understand that it is best to make decisions based on science-based information, not on what the latest trend happens to be. Pop culture has a big impact on how the general public perceives science, and this has often been negative. Tim Caulfield communicates serious information with humour – a great way to get the message across. We’re delighted to have him as our guest speaker this year.”
William (Bill) Greuel, Assistant Deputy Minister, Regulatory and Innovation for Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture, will bring greetings on behalf of Minister Lyle Stewart.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Prairieland Park (Hall A)
503 Ruth St. W, Saskatoon, SK
Registration: 1:30 pm
Annual Meeting: 2:00 pm
Presentation: 2:30 pm
Following the presentations please stay for networking!
Jackie Robin
Communications Director
Ag-West Bio Inc.
Tel: 306-668-2656
About Ag-West Bio:
Ag-West Bio is Saskatchewan’s bioscience industry association. The company works as a catalyst for developing partnerships and industry growth in the bio-economy through investments, aiding strategic alliances, and providing business planning support, regulatory advice and communications. Funding for Ag-West Bio is provided the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada's Growing Forward II program, with support from Western Economic Diversification Canada and the National Research Council-Industrial Research Assistance Program.
About Timothy Caulfield
Timothy Caulfield is a Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, a Professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Public Health, and the Research Director of the Health Law Institute, University of Alberta.
His highly interdisciplinary work explores ethical, legal and health policy issues associated with a range of topics. He has published over 325 academic articles and book chapters, has won several prestigious academic awards, and has served on numerous national and international policy and research committees.
He works frequently with the popular press and is the author of two national bestsellers: The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness, and Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash.