Women In Bio – Montreal


PO Box 97900,15227
Pittsburgh, PA, 15227
1(514) 803-4358

Company Information:

“Women helping women” is one of the most important features of WIB. WIB has found that successful female role models can inspire members to challenge themselves and aim for the top, and can show women that people who “walk like them and talk like them” can become leaders in any field.

Friendly, relaxing networking is key to WIB – and their – success. The events are relatively small by design (under 100 attendees is common) to enable people to have meaningful interactions with each other and with featured speakers. WIB events spark friendships, business relationships and job opportunities by taking the awkwardness out of networking and creating a fun, welcoming environment.

WIB aims to help women achieve the highest levels of leadership, influence and decision-making that they desire. As WIB grows its membership, its activities and its geographic spread, it is rapidly becoming a leading authority and organization for women in the life sciences. WIB focus their activities on education, mentoring and networking, and on creating opportunities for leadership that can help advance careers.

Primary Contact:

Anita Mac Eachern
WIB Greater Montreal: Chair of Membership and Partnership

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