Saskatchewan is an agriculture province with a thriving bioscience research cluster.
With the support of this cluster, state-of-the-art infrastructure and expertise, along with a business-friendly provincial government, the bioscience and agri-food sectors are growing and new companies are emerging around the province.
If you are looking for research collaborations or investment opportunities, browse the Sask Agrisource database, our member database and the Sask Bioscience Resource Guide—or give us a call to learn more.
Explore Saskatchewan’s agriculture value-added sector
The SaskAgrisource database contains a substantial list of businesses that offer bioscience or agri-value products and services in the province.
Investee Companies
AWB invests in early-stage, Saskatchewan-based technology companies in the areas of sustainable crop production, food ingredients and processing, health, environment, biofuels and bioproducts.
Saskatchewan’s vibrant bioscience research cluster is centred at the University of Saskatchewan and Innovation Place in Saskatoon. With the support of this cluster, which comprises state-of-the-art infrastructure and expertise, along with a business-friendly provincial government, the bioscience and agri-food sectors are growing and new companies are emerging around the province.