Ag-West Bio has been helping innovative early-stage agriculture companies commercialize new technology for 35 years!

This is not our first rodeo.

We understand the challenges you face in bringing research to market, and we can help. Combining expertise and passion, Ag-West Bio can assist you with market knowledge, guidance, and industry connections.

Our goal is to increase the success rate of companies commercializing new technology – to get them investment ready for the private sector. This often involves filling gaps in business plans.

Gaps are not just financial.

Human capital shortages, insufficient market knowledge, incorrect assumptions, and a general lack of understanding of what is needed to bring new technology all need to be addressed.

In addition to direct support services, Ag-West Bio hosts training events and seminars, such as the Investment Readiness Bootcamp.

Commercialization guidance is separate from the Technology Commercialization Fund. Companies must be aware that Ag-West Bio providing guidance is not an indication or promise of investment.

Key partners:

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