Saskatoon, SK
Candle-Span Room, Innovation Place, 111 Research Drive
Doors open 8:00am | Presentations 8:30am | Keynote: 1:00pm
Learn about Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) outcomes and process.
Strengthen connections between industry and research.
Support project collaboration!
The goal of this event is to help researchers understand the parameters of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) to assist them in applying for the grant. It will also provide additional opportunity to learn about commodity groups sector priorities and sneak-peak into early-career scientist research program.
This event will:
- Provide an opportunity for the Saskatchewan industry/commodity groups to present their research priorities and connect with the researchers working in relevant areas.
- Increase understanding of how the research community can support the growth of the agriculture sector in the province.
- Reveal potential knowledge gaps and research priorities that require new and innovative thinking and collaboration.
“How to write a successful grant application”
Dr. Michael Nickerson
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program Chair (Protein Quality and Utilization)
and Professor, Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences, USask
This is a FREE event and lunch is provided.
This event is co-hosted by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture