The Ag-West Bio Blog features editorials by scientists, academics, business experts and producers on wide ranging topics, from farming to biotechnology.

The editorial blogs posted here represent the personal views of the authors. We thank them for taking the time to contribute. We also welcome you to submit a blog if you feel passionate about a topic. Blogs should be no more than 750 words in length and should contain links to references. Please submit to

Jack Bobo on Public Perceptions and Choosing Your Battles

November 22, 2018

The torching of transgenics

January 22, 2018

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting, Part 10: Is GMO food dangerous at all?

July 15, 2015

RNA interference: Big potential for agriculture

April 17, 2015

Dr. Kevin Folta on transparency and the GMO debate

February 26, 2015

An interview with Ingo Potrykus, creator of Golden Rice

October 28, 2014

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting Part 9: Are GMOs Actually Anti-Environmental?

May 27, 2014

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting Part 8: Are Activists or Scientists More Trustworthy?

May 27, 2014

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting Part 7: All Online GMO Info is Equally Accurate

May 27, 2014

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting Part 6: Frankenfood

May 27, 2014

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting Part 5: Independent Scientists

May 27, 2014

Kevin Folta GMO Mythbusting Part 4: Do GMOs Really Create New Allergens?

May 27, 2014

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