Thank you to our members who submitted stories for this Bulletin!
(Scroll down to see the articles).

Trees grow so slowly you don’t notice them changing. Until you do.

Then they are a clear reminder of time passing. The trees along the path to the river that were just seedlings when I started at Ag-West Bio now tower above me. Of course they do – it has been almost 20 years.

Communications moved slower back then. Websites were built from scratch (no fancy cloud-based platforms existed). We published a bi-weekly newsletter—can you imagine! The Bio Bulletin was printed and mailed out to readers. We still used a fax machine. No social media, no chatGPT.

Today, news is shared in real-time. We are accepting the inevitable and figuring out how to use AI—can’t beat ‘em, might as well join ‘em. Things move faster and more is expected in less time.

So, after nearly 20 years, it’s time for me to move on. Time for a fresh set of eyes and ideas in this seat. I’m happy to welcome Noelle Chorney to Ag-West Bio as the new Director of Communications! She has been running Tall Order Communications and is known around Saskatoon as a science and food writer. You may have seen her byline on blogs posted on our website.

The team at Ag-West Bio is busy as ever, offering networking and learning opportunities for the community and working with numerous entrepreneurs and startups. Upcoming events include Diverse Field Crops Cluster Research Day March 4th, the Knowledge Farm Young Professionals’ Night “Turning Science into Profit” on March 5th, “Swimming with the Sharks” investment readiness bootcamp, featuring investment guru Steve Balaban.

For more information about upcoming events and activities, visit our event calendar, sign up for our Weekly Update, like us on Facebook, follow us on LinkedIn, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

~ Jackie Robin

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