So…technically it is still fall, although the thermometer definitely says ‘winter’ (looks like it’s going to be a long one!) But we are tough Canadians (eh?) and we know the faster we move, the easier it is to stay warm.

The bioscience industry continues to advance at a good pace, with increased activity, especially in the agri-food and ingredients area. Protein Industries Canada (PIC) is moving ahead to fulfill its mandate, developing an ecosystem strategy and building partnerships. Read more about PIC’s activities here.

Another emerging area that promises to have a profound effect on agriculture is digital technology. The Agri-Food Innovation Council, chaired by Ag-West Bio President and CEO Wilf Keller, just completed its annual conference here in Saskatoon, with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.

Ag-West Bio continues to work with entrepreneurs and start-up companies to assist them with business planning and connect them with potential partners and funders; and our event team is consistently busy hosting, co-hosting and supporting numerous events. Our Director of Corporate Initiatives, Mike Cey, has taken a two-year secondment with our member company Smart Earth Camelina Corp.

And of course, by now most of our stakeholders have heard that Ag-West Bio will have a change in leadership. On November 18th, Wilf Keller, who has served as president and CEO for the past 10 years, will pass the torch to Karen Churchill. The team welcomes Karen with enthusiasm as she brings us into the next decade.

I hope you enjoy the following articles. We welcome articles from our members (please read the Bio Bulletin submission guidelines). To keep up with news and events in Saskatchewan’s bioscience industry, watch for our Weekly Update. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

~ Jackie Robin

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