Dear Ag-West Bio members and stakeholders,
In light of COVID-19 and the current federal and provincial governments announcements, I want to inform you of the measures we have taken at Ag-West Bio to do our part in preventing further spread of the virus.
  • Effective Friday, March 13, all of our team members will be able to work from home until further notice.
  • While our office is effectively closed, all team members can be contacted by phone or email to respond to the needs of our members, partners and associates. Please check the website for staff contact information.
  • All Ag-West Bio events scheduled before April 30 will be cancelled or rescheduled to video events where possible.
  • We are increasing the number of virtual team meetings to allay fears, ensure that we continue to manage our business appropriately, and react to any changes to federal and provincial recommendations.
Should you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please let me know.
Our thoughts are with you and your families.
Take care,
Karen Churchill,
President and CEO
Ag-West Bio


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